Ashlee J. Fox

Fox Legal Firm
[email protected]

Ashlee a certified life and business coach, lawyer, and author. She is the owner of Fox Legal Firm, a boutique law firm located in Atlanta, GA that focuses on business and trademark law. Ashlee works with women that are ready to transform their mindset, design a more fulfilling life, and launch successful businesses that are legally sound. She has worked with women across the world through her coaching, legal services, e-books, & templates. She is passionate about using her skills to make an impact in the lives of others. When she is not working with her amazing clients you can find her traveling the world or reading a good book at home.

About Us: Fox Legal Firm is geared towards helping you level up your business and legal acumen, so that you can confidently take your business to the next level, without worrying that at any moment legal battles could halt your plans.